Reconnecting Birth Parents and Adopted Children

Starting the journey to reconnect with a birth parent or adopted child is a big step, full of feelings. At Raven, we get how important these moments are and how brave it is to take that first move.

Our goal is to be a warm and understanding place free of any judgement where people can find support as they navigate the path of reunification.

Feeling Lots of Things

Deciding to reach out to a birth parent or adopted child can bring up a lot of different feelings – like excitement, nervousness, or even a little bit of worry. These feelings show just how important this journey is, and at Raven, we respect and understand each one of them.

We know that everyone's experience is different, and we're here to offer support, a listening ear, and a friendly face as you go through all those emotions.

Guided by Caring

At Raven, we believe in being caring in everything we do. We know that reaching out to a birth parent or adopted child can feel scary, with lots of unknowns. That's why we're here to help, like a friendly guide by your side.

As a neutral helper, we give you a safe space to talk without feeling judged or rushed. Our aim is to encourage honest conversations, so everyone involved feels heard and respected.

Respecting Your Choices

We think it's really important to respect what you want to do. You should be in charge of your journey – when to reach out, how, and what happens next.

At Raven, we deeply respect your decisions, and we're here to support you in whatever way you need. Your journey is unique, and we're here to help you through it.

Reconnecting with a birth parent or adopted child is a big deal, full of feelings and important moments. At Raven, we're here to provide a caring and supportive place where you can make those connections in your own time.

Complimentary Contact

Reaching out to a birth parent or child can stir up lots of feelings. It's a big step filled with excitement, nerves, and uncertainty. At Raven, we get that, and we're here to help.

We're proud to offer a free service where we act as a middle person, making sure nobody feels too pressured.

Our goal is to make the process as easy and comfortable as possible for everyone involved.

We believe in bringing families back together while respecting everyone's decisions. We'll always treat you with kindness and make sure to honour your choices.

If you're thinking about reaching out to a birth parent or child, know that we're here for you.

We'll support you every step of the way with care and understanding, no cost, no strings attached.

Contact us to discuss how we can help you.


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