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Our comprehensive training program offers a range of Ontario courses which can be completed entirely online is designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed for various roles in the security and enforcement industry. Our Online Ontario Private Investigator & Online Ontario Security Guard Course are convenient and can be completed at your own pace!

Our extensive array of courses proudly meets the criteria set by the Ministry of the Solicitor General in Ontario, ensuring that individuals who complete our courses receive education and certification that aligns with industry regulations and expectations. Whether you're pursuing a career as a Security Guard, Private Investigator, or specialized roles such as a Bylaw Officer or Parking Bylaw Enforcement Officer, our courses provide a solid foundation for success in the security and enforcement industry.

  • Ontario Security Guard – First Aid not included


    In order to write your Provincial Exam and apply for your Ontario Security Guard License, students must complete the 40hr Course which is divided between 33.5hrs of online study and a 1-day in-class Emergency Level First Aid & CPR Level C Certificate.

  • Emergency First Aid & CPR Training Level C + AED


    This Emergency Level First Aid and CPR course is a hands on, interactive course teaching simple First Aid & CPR techniques for individuals who want an overview of First Aid & CPR for the workplace or home. Learn how to recognize, prevent and respond to cardiovascular emergencies for adults, choking, airway and breathing emergencies, and prevention of disease transmission. Participants will also learn how (and become certified) to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).

  • Ontario Private Investigator Course


    This specialized 50hr online course meets and exceeds the syllabus requirements of the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General. It is delivered 100% online and has been updated recently to reflect any changes in relevant legislation. Upon sign up, our Private Investigator students receive a comprehensive practice test to complete at their own pace to further prepare them for the provincial exam.

  • Dual Package: Security Guard + Private Investigator Course


    This course package includes both the online Security Guard Course and Private Investigator Course and meets the Ministry requirements for both. Once completed, the Student will be eligible to write both exams and apply for their Dual License. Emergency Level First Aid (which is a requirement of the Security Guard Course) is included if the student can attend a class listed here.

  • Online Use of Force and Handcuffing Training


    Who needs Use of Force and Cooperative Handcuffing training?

    • Private Security and Loss Prevention guards

    • Event teams

    • Bar and nightclub staff

    Why is Use of Force and Cooperative Handcuffing training important?

    This course is an essential investment in your professional development, providing you with the tools to navigate complex legal landscapes, manage conflicts effectively, and make informed decisions that align with both legal obligations and ethical standards. Prepare to engage deeply, challenge yourself, and expand your capabilities as a security professional.

  • RECERTIFICATION: Use of Force and Cooperative Handcuffing


    This ONLINE refresher course is for people who have previously taken a “certification” or other core level/fundamental competency course in Use of Force and/or Handcuffing.

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