Asset Search / Corporate Asset Search

from $660.00


  • Property

  • Liens

  • Corporate Profiles / Data

  • Businesses

  • Bankruptcy

  • Vehicles

  • Social Media

Should we locate other details such as businesses, workplace, professional associates, education history etc. we include in our report at no extra charge.

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Asset Searches are part of a research based industry. We will never outright guarantee we can locate a persons assets as some people simply own nothing. This Is still a result.

The rate covers the research conducted, databases and sources used, and the experience of the investigator. It also allows a third party (us) to collect the data, eliminating any conflict of interest (the client). Please exercise caution where any investigative company is guaranteeing they can locate assets.

We cannot and do no look into bank accounts, tax information, or education records. We follow Canadian privacy laws

What is an asset search?

An asset search is a comprehensive investigation conducted to identify and assess an individual's or entity's financial holdings, properties, and other valuable assets. This process involves collecting information from various sources to create a detailed profile of the target's financial status. Asset searches can uncover a wide range of assets, including real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, investments, businesses, intellectual property, and more.

Who may need an asset search conducted?

Debt Collection

Creditors or individuals pursuing legal action may conduct asset searches to identify the debtor's assets that can be used to satisfy outstanding debts or court judgments.

Divorce Proceedings

During divorce proceedings, spouses may conduct asset searches to ensure transparency and fairness in the division of marital assets.

Business Transactions

Before entering into business partnerships, mergers, or acquisitions, companies may conduct asset searches to assess the financial health and assets of potential partners or target companies.

Probate and Estate Planning

Executors of estates or individuals engaged in estate planning may conduct asset searches to locate and evaluate the assets of a deceased person, ensuring accurate distribution according to the will or legal requirements.

Background Checks

Employers or individuals considering financial relationships (such as loans or investments) with others may conduct asset searches as part of due diligence to assess financial stability and credibility.

What can be located with an asset search?

  • Updated Contact Information

  • Bankruptcy Records

  • Real Estate Holdings

  • Property Records

  • Criminal History

  • -Court Judgments

  • Vehicle Ownership Details

  • Mortgage Records

  • Vehicle Registrations and Liens

  • Watercraft Registrations and Liens

  • Aliases or Business Names

  • Tax Liens (Federal and Provincial)

  • Corporate Affiliations

  • Liabilities (Judgments, Liens, and Bankruptcy)

Asset searches are an important tool for individuals, businesses, and legal professionals who need to locate assets owned by an individual or company. An asset search involves investigating the financial records of an individual or company to determine what assets they own, such as real estate, vehicles, and other valuable assets.

Canadian Clients: Medical, banking and education are protected under Canada. Privacy Laws and are not a part of this service.