Genealogical, Probate Heir Tracing, Social Media & OSINT

from $175.00


  • For smaller estates valued at under $2,500.00, we offer a discounted flat rate of $175.00+hst, which includes up to 2.5 hours of research.

  • $100.00 per hour, with a minimum of 3 hours charged

  • For Heir Hunting / Heir Tracing please only purchase this service after receiving a formal quote from us.

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If you're on the journey to reconnect with a family member you've lost contact with or longing to trace your family's lineage, you're likely feeling a mix of emotions. The quest to uncover your family's story can indeed be overwhelming. At Raven Research & Investigations, we understand the depth of these emotions and the significance of family and genealogy in your life. Rest assured, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Our team of compassionate and skilled researchers specializes in both open-source intelligence (OSINT) and genealogical research. We approach each case with empathy and dedication, utilizing a variety of resources, including databases, search engines, social media platforms, and historical records, to piece together the puzzle of your family's history.

Private investigators play a vital role in genealogical research, heir tracing, and locating adoptees and their parents. Here's how we can help:

  1. Access to Resources: We have access to a wealth of databases, archives, and records, enabling us to uncover information that may be difficult to find on your own. From specialized genealogical databases to historical documents, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to find answers.

  2. Expertise in Research: Our team is highly skilled in conducting thorough and methodical research. With years of experience, we know where to look and how to navigate complex genealogical puzzles, ensuring no detail is overlooked in our search for your family's story.

  3. Confidentiality and Discretion: We understand the sensitivity of family matters and handle all inquiries with the utmost confidentiality and discretion. Your privacy is our priority, and we respect the delicate nature of the information we uncover.

  4. Legal Knowledge and Compliance: Genealogical research often involves navigating legal complexities, and we're well-versed in relevant laws and regulations. We ensure that all investigations are conducted ethically and in compliance with legal requirements.

  5. Tailored Approach: We understand that every family's story is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs and objectives. Whether you're searching for long-lost relatives or uncovering your family's history, we offer customized services designed to provide you with the answers you seek.

  6. Patient and Understanding: We understand that this can be a very overwhelming situation. We are patient and empathetic, providing you with the support and guidance you need throughout the process.

We would be honoured to help you uncover your family's unique story.


How Raven Research & Investigations Can Help:

  1. Comprehensive Social Media Analysis: We conduct thorough research across multiple social media platforms to gather relevant information tailored to your specific needs or objectives.

  2. Identification and Verification: We can help identify individuals or entities and verify their identities, affiliations, or claims by analyzing their social media profiles and online interactions.

  3. Insightful Trend Tracking: Our team can track trends, sentiments, or discussions relevant to your interests or industry by monitoring social media conversations and engagement metrics.

  4. Investigative Support: Whether you're conducting due diligence, background checks, or investigations, we can provide valuable insights and evidence from social media sources to support your case or decision-making process.

  5. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: By analyzing social media activities, we can identify potential risks, threats, or reputational issues that may impact individuals or organizations, allowing for proactive mitigation strategies.

Reasons Why One Would Need Social Media Research:

  • Background Checks: Verify the credentials, employment history, or reputation of individuals.

  • Due Diligence: Assess the integrity, financial stability, or legal history of businesses or partners.

  • Brand Monitoring: Track mentions, reviews, or sentiments about a brand or product.

  • Competitive Analysis: Gain insights into competitors' strategies, customer interactions, or market positioning.

  • Risk Management: Identify potential threats, security breaches, or compliance issues.

  • Market Research: Understand consumer preferences, trends, or feedback related to products or services.

  • Litigation Support: Collect evidence or insights relevant to legal proceedings, insurance fraud claims, disputes, or investigations.

At Raven Research & Investigations, we log and document everything that we locate, ensuring our findings remain authentic and neutral. Our commitment to thoroughness and integrity guarantees that our clients receive accurate and actionable information to inform their decisions or actions.


  1. This service can also be used for identity verification with catfishing/long distance dating.

  2. This Is customizable. Please reach out for a quote